Saturday, July 08, 2006

Today I am in my underground (or should I say partially underground) air-conditioned monitoring command post. The local Air Reserve Base (Westover ARB) is having it's weekend training activity, so I've got one scanner (BC296D) dedicated to searching the 138-144, 148-150.8 mhz bands to try to find additional new P25 radio frequencies in use. Additionally, there's some typical military aero traffic (air traffic control & air/air tacticals from Bradley Air National Guard Station (CT) (A10's heading to Yankee Military Operating Area in central/southern VT & NH). My general scanner land traffic (local pd's, State PD, etc.) as well as military/civilian aero is being shared by my BC780XLT & BC895XLT. Some parachute jumping "sky diving" today also. Depending upon what happens weather wise one the 895 could be pressed into monitoring additional public safety, electric utilities, and public works (local & state).


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